2016 Edition By Dr. Duane Priddy, Plastic Failure Labs Download PDF Preface CPVC pipes and fittings have been used successfully for decades. The use of CPVC materials offers significant advantages over metal piping materials including ease of installation and the pipes are not affected by
Selecting the Best Remediation for Failing CPVC Piping Systems
By Dr. Duane Priddy, Plastic Failure Labs Download PDF Abstract Chlorinated polyvinylchloride (CPVC) is widely used for many piping systems including potable water, hydronic heating/cooling, corrosive liquid drains, and fire suppression systems. CPVC is popular because of its ease of
Predicting Service Life of Plastic Parts Using Accelerated Laboratory Tests
By Dr. Duane Priddy, Plastic Expert Group, Midland, MI Download PDF Executive Summary Plastic parts undergo both chemical and physical aging during their use. The prudent plastic part manufacturer seeks to demonstrate the useful life of their product in order to determine an appropriate
Why Do Polycarbonate Windows Sometimes Turn Yellow?
By Dr. Duane Priddy, Plastic Expert Group Download PDF Executive Summary The primary root cause of rapid discoloration of polycarbonate (PC) panels installed in solarium porches in condominiums in South Florida is a material manufacturing defect. The defect is incomplete end-capping of
How “Burst Resistant” Exercise Balls Can Explode Causing Serious Injury
Swiss balls are good for your muscles, but are they safe? Exercise balls are used extensively by people for exercising and rehabilitation and by athletes for strength training. “Burst-resistant” exercise balls first became popular in Switzerland about 40 years ago. Physiotherapists and sports
Common Causes of Failure of AWWA C900 PVC Pipes
Can your plastic pipe fittings handle the pressure? Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) piping is the highest volume of all plastic piping products. Rigid PVC pipes are highly ductile when properly manufactured. Their long-term service life of PVC pipe has been determined to be more than 50 years. PVC
Which Plastic Pipe is More Reliable: PEX or CPVC?
An in-depth comparison of the pros and cons of PEX versus CPVC for plastic piping, plus the different types of PEX CPVC and PEX are the most common plastics used for potable water piping. These types of piping systems each have their pros and cons. Both occasionally fail, causing extensive water
Are Plastic Pipes Reliable?
Before 1970, the most commonly used piping for potable water was copper. However, the high cost of copper and the ease of installation of plastic piping caused an exponential increase in the use of plastic over the past 50 years. In the late 1970s, polybutylene piping emerged. Due to the low cost of